After the success of our last Erasmus, Lab4SPACE, we have obtained the approval and consequently, funded of a new European project to carry out over the next 24 months.
Our new project is called HEALTHY STYLES-PATHWAYS FOR LIFE, and the main topic is the Environment. To carry it out, we count on the partners of our previous project: Italy, Slovenia and Latvia, and, in addition to a new partner from Greece, so we will be five members in total this time.
The idea of joining again to work on this new project, stems from the need to instill and educate our students in respect for the environment around us, as well as the firm belief of how much can be done from school to contribute to a more sustainable development of our environment.
As main objectives, we intend to start from the nearest: ourselves, our homes ..., carrying out healthy lifestyle habits. Then, we want to move forward sharing our concerns from each of our contexts: green areas, non-polluting transport, urban furniture care, recycling ... through surveys and sharing experineces. Creating and sharing healthy eating habits, responsible consumption, physical activities, inclusive areas, etc.
For this, our first meeting of teachers and students that will take place in Seville next February, all participating centers will share interests, strategies, interventions and good practices based on each of our contexts and our realities.
We intend to directly involve our entire school, since the impact and results will include the whole educational community.
The project communication vehicle will be the English language.
- Istituto Comprensivo “Cardinale Agostino Casaroli (Italia) (Centro coordinador)
- Osnovna sola borcev za severno mejo (Eslovenia)
- E.PR Cruz del Campo (España)
- Bikernieku pamatskola (Letonia)
- Dimotiko Sxolio Ano Syrou (Grecia)
From September 2019 to September 2021
- Presentation of the project to the educational community.
- Completion of a questionnaire to collect data from each center.
- LOGO contest
- Creation of eTwinning page to share and spread presentations and materials.
- Presentation of the most significant environmental problems in each context: pooling of materials.
- Use of Skype for first contact between students.
- Research on architectural barriers in the areas.
- Preparation of posters and posters to disseminate information.
- Project evaluation
- Making final report for approval.
- Italy (teachers only) October 2019
- Spain (teachers and students) February 2020
- Latvia (teachers and students) May 2020
- Greece (teaching staff and students) October 2020
- Italy (teaching staff and students) March 2021
- Slovenia (teachers and students) May 2021
- Spain (teachers only) September 2021
In each of the motilities, six students from each center will participate, accompanied by two teachers. The trips will last 7 days, two of which are considered displacement and the remaining five work. The host centers will be responsible for organizing the different activities in their locations.
The meeting in Seville will take place during the week of February 9 to 16. During this mobility, in which we will be the hat school, we will organize a wide and varied program of activities, among which we point out: reception act, organization of the contest for the Official Logo of the Project, cultural visits to our city, coexistence in La Juliana , workshops with recycled materials, participation in the Nature Classroom, visit to the LIPASAM company facilities, farewell dinner…
Many of these activities will involve all the students. Others, however, will only affect third-cycle students, as students of these ages are the target of the project.
Among them, a total of 8 “ambassadors” will be selected each day, two to attend to each of the participant groups. Their mission will be to accompany them in all the activities and meet any need that may arise.
During this school year, there will also be a mobility to Latvia.
It will also be the students of the third cycle, specifically those of the sixth year, who will participate in the meeting that will be held in May 2020. Since only 6 students will be able to attend, at the time the families that authorize their children to travel, will be taken into account. In the event that there are more candidates than places, the selection criteria will be applied.
In each of these meetings, the host center is responsible for organizing the week of activities, although always taking into account those programmed in the initial project, as well as the decisions taken at the meeting that preceded it.
From CEPR Cruz del Campo, we face this project with great enthusiasm and with the conviction that it will be an extraordinary opportunity to achieve many of our goals. We are also aware of the impact it will have on the center and the extra and extraordinary effort and dedication that it requires from all of us, starting with us, the teachers, and following for our students and, of course, for their families.

C.E.PR. Cruz del Campo. 52 Cruz del Campo Avenue 41005 Seville. Telephone 955 624 855. Contact by e - mail.