One of the most important places at school is our library “MAGITECA”. We have been able to gather more than 2,500 books thanks to all the members of the educational community. This fact has been possible through donations, endowments and the collaboration of institutions like La Caixa and some publishers..
Its operation is managed, on the one hand by a library team, in charge of the book registration, activity planning, etc, and on the other hand by a group of volunteer pupils who are dedicated to loans, returns and the organization of books and shelves.
Translated to English by Jorge López Cogollos y Esteban Sierra Ocaña, 6th.
Colegio Cruz del Campo Sevilla
C.E.PR. Cruz del Campo. 52 Cruz del Campo Avenue 41005 Seville. Telephone 955 624 855. Contact by e - mail.