- Cruz del Campo Primary public school is located in Nervion district in the city of Seville. It was opened as a primary school in 2010.
It is a bilingual English centre with only one class per grade. It has got 6 classes, one for each grade, and a class for special needs students.
Cruz del Campo staff is made up of 11 teachers, with degrees in primary education, bilinguism, English, French, physical education, music, special needs, language and hearing therapy and Catholic religion.
The average ratio is 25 pupis per class.
It has to be emphasized the good enviroment at school and the firm commitment for the participation of all the educational community in the development of the teaching and learning process for every single pupil.
C.E.PR. Cruz del Campo. 52 Cruz del Campo Avenue 41005 Seville. Telephone 955 624 855. Contact by e - mail.